During my time at Kent State University I taught a variety of specific skills, including: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. My class size varied from 4 to 24 students. In some of my larger classes I efficiently utilized an assistant to help optimize learning.
English Teacher | İstanbul Coşkun Koleji
İstanbul, Turkey | Aug. 2014 – June 2015
I taught English as a foreign language at a primary school in Istanbul, Turkey for one academic year. I was responsible for two second grade classes and two fourth grade classes. Classes were 40 minutes long and I taught an average of five classes per day. I created my own lesson plans as well as the materials used in class.
Instructor | UAEM: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
Cuernavaca, Mexico | July 20, 2013 – Aug. 10, 2013 | July 19, 2014 – Aug. 9, 2014
In Cuernavaca, Mexico I taught an intensive summer English program. I built my own curriculum for this program and decided on which materials to use. This was a very challenging and educational experience. I enjoyed the program enough that I went back for a second year.